The Colorado Plateau in Southern Utah is an annual destination for millions of tourists seeking a variety of backpacking, hiking, mountain biking, and caynoneering opportunities. To capitalize on these tourism dollars, the cities of Antimony, Koosharem, and Burrville plan to develop the “Grass Valley Trail”. This proposed ~65mi backpacking trail will connect the Otter Creek and Koosharem Resevoirs. They will use existing trails in the nearby Fish Lake National Forest and newly developed paths to create a trail that traverses Forshea Mountain, Langdon Mountain, Monroe Peak, Marysvale Peak, and Monument Peak. This area also has a small population of Puma concolor (mountain lion) that inhabit the nearby Sevier Plateau.
The Grass Valley Trail Committee has contracted with you to determine the likely impact of increased tourism on the mountain lion habitat and potential risk to visitors. So they have asked you to analyze the home range of two individual mountain lions that were fitted with GPS collars to track their movements. This information will be used to assess the viability of their proposal.
In this exercise you will:
Software specific directions can be found for each step below. Please submit the answer to the questions and your final map by the due date.
To begin this work you have obtained GPS collar data for local mountain lions from a wildlife biologist at the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. The dataset contains relocation information (i.e. where the cougars have been located through collar transmission) for each tracked cougar. However, this data was provided as a CSV file. So you will need to import that data to create a new dataset.
First you will need to download the following datasets from GitHub by clicking on the link and using right-click Save as… on the page to save the *.csv file to your project folder:
In order to calculate home range you need to have your data in a projected coordinate system. Since the data is in UTM format, you will need to change your project coordinate system to WGS 1984 UTM Zone 12N by right-clicking on your Map > Properties then going to the Coordinate Systems and changing the coordinate system to Projected Coordinate System > UTM > WGS 1984 > Northern Hemisphere > WGS 1984 UTM Zone 12N. The move over to the General options and change the Display Units to UTM. This will ensure that your map and data are all in the appropriate coordinate system.
Similar to previous exercises you can now import the dataset with the cougar relocations by going to Map Tab > Add Data -> XY Point Data. Make sure you set the coordinate system to the one list above or current map which you previously set.
You should now have the cougar dataset added to your Table of Contents. If you right-click on the dataset and click “Zoom to Layer” it will zoom into the full extent of that dataset. Because of the type of analysis in the next step you can keep the default basemap.
Question No. 1How many individuals are being tracked in this dataset?
First you will need to download the following datasets from GitHub by clicking on the link and using right-click Save as… or Crtl+click Save as.. on the page to save the *.csv file to your project folder:
In order to calculate home range you need to have your data in a projected coordinate system. So you will need to change your project CRS to EPSG: 32612 WGS 84/UTM zone 12N
. Now add the comma delimited (or csv) file to your project by clicking on the button in the left vertical menu or selecting it on the menu bar through Layer > Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer. In the resulting window, remember to click the button
to browse to the location of the data. The layer name will automatically populate or you can change this by typing a new name in the Layer name field. Next, select CSV (comma separated values) in the File Format options. You should use the project CRS for the Geometry Definition and make sure the X Field and Y Field are set to the proper UTM columns. Finally at the bottom of the window click Add.
Alternatively, you could follow the directions from Exercise 6, Step 1 using the MMQGIS plugin to load the file directly from the URL. Just be sure to set the latitude and longitude value fields for the UTM information.
Now you can close the Delimited Text window. The resulting dataset is added to your layers as a temporary file. It can still be used for analysis and display purposes, but if you close the project the layer may be removed. To make it a permanent dataset, select the temporary dataset in the layers area, and on the menu bar choose Layers > Save As… Alternatively you can right-click or Crtl+click on a Mac and choose Export > Save features as…
How many individuals are being tracked in this dataset?
Before you begin, you will need to open the Ex9 Colab Notebook and insert tocolab after github in the URL to open in the Colab Environment. As you have seen before, R requires various packages to complete certain analyses. In this exercise you will be using tidyverse, OpenStreetMaps, ggfortify, maptools, and rgeos. To install and load the packages we will use the following script:
Now that you have the packages required for the exercise you can read in the csv file and view the resulting dataset. Using the read.csv
command and a URL to the data on GitHub you will import and examine the data.
<- read.csv("")
cougars head(cougars)
You can also plot the simple XY data to examine the spread of the dataset.
ggplot(cougars) + geom_point(aes(utm_east, utm_north)) +
labs(x="Easting", y="Northing") +
guides(color=guide_legend("Identification")) +
theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "top") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle=90, hjust=0.5)) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
How many individuals are being tracked in this dataset?
Now that you have the data you can calculate the two home range estimates: minimum convex polygon and kernel density estimation. The minimum convex polygon (MCP) draws the smallest polygon encompassing all the points, while the kernel density estimation (KDE) calculates a magnitude-per-unit area from the point features using a function to fit a smoothly tapered surface. For this exercise you will run both analyses and compare the results.
In the previous step you loaded the relocations and added the layer to your view. Now you will use several tools from the Toolbox to complete the analyses including:
To create the minimum convex polygon you will use the Minimum Bounding Geometry
tool that can be found by using the name as a search term in Toolbox from the Analysis Tab. You will use the cougar dataset for the Input Features, navigate to your project folder and give the *.shp file a name in the Output Feature Class options, and select convex hull for the Geometry Type. For Group Option select All. Leave the box for geometry characteristics unchecked.
You should now have a bounding geometry polygon in your layers you can style as necessary to display the information. Notice how the polygon is drawn and encompasses the data points. To create the kernel density estimation search for it in the toolbox or alternatively it can be found in the quickly link for tools on the Analysis Tab. Use the following setting for the Kernel Density analysis:
Before moving on with any additional analysis, you will reclassify the KDE output to four (4) classes. To do this search for Reclassify in the geoprocessing tools. In parentheses behind the tools name you will see the name of the package it is being selected from. You want to choose the Reclassify
tool from the Spatial Analyst Tools package. In the Reclassify pane select the kernel density file you just created as the Input Raster and click Classify. In the Window select 4 classes and click OK. Finally, in the Output raster option navigate to your project folder and be sure to save the file as a .tif then click Run.
Next, in order to calculate the area of the new classified KDE you will need to conver it to a polygon feature class. In Tools you can search for “Raster to Polygon” and add the new reclassifed KDE as the Input Raster, select “Value” for the Field parameter, and use the browse button to navigate to your project folder and give the new file a .shp file name in the Output Polygon Features parameter. Be sure to click the Simply polygons and Create multipart features boxes and click Run.